Thursday, November 19, 2009

Quando Busserò (当主敲门时...)

Quando busserò alla tua porta
avrò fatto tanta strada,
avrò piedi stanchi e nudi,
avrò mani bianche e pure,(bis)
O mio Signore!

Quando busserò alla tua porta
avrò frutti da portare,
avrò ceste di dolore,
avrò grappoli d'amore,
O mio Signore!

Quando busserò alla tua porta
avrò amato tanta gente,
avrò amici da ritrovare,
e nemici per cui pregare,
O mio Signore!

About the today's Gospel Lk 19:11-28

"I have chosen you from the world, says the Lord, to go and bear fruit that will last."(Cf. John 15)

In today's Gospel, Jesus tells us a parable about two kinds of person that before the entrustment of the host. One is diligence and loyalty, instead, another is lazy and sophistry. Finally, the host belouded the good one, and according to justice, the host treated the latter.

In the life, for us Christians, each of us has been given a talent from God. We are meant to acknowledge the talent and trade with it. If we hide it away, we will be punished. How many of us declare that we have no talents? But we do: our very existence is a gift of God, our health, our intelligence, our emotions, our friends, our work—all are talents, gifts from God. Even, in many of the times, God gave us the blessing of the rich enough. Important thing is whether we understand it? Whether it be properly use it to bear the fruit?

O God, how much we value your mercy! All mankind can gather under your protection (Cf. Ps 36), teach and direct us in your way.