Sunday, November 29, 2009

The first Sunday of Advent C

First Reading: Jeremiah 33: 14-16. God has promised that he will rise up a descendant of David to save his people. Jeremiah reminds them that the time is near.
Second reading: Thessalonians 3: 12-4: 2. Paul reminds us that only holiness based on brotherly love can make us ready for Christ when he comes.
Gospel: Luke 21: 25-28, 34-36. Christ will come again with power, to bring our liberation. We should not be afraid, but stay awake, watching and praying.

Points for Reflection--From Fr Carlo Tei

1. The first part of the Advent Season is meant to remind us, disciples of Christ, that, while we are journeying on earth living the Gospel of salvation and announcing it to all men, we must always be watchful, looking to the glorious final coming of Jesus Christ our Lord. That event will mark the completion of the work of salvation centered upon him.

2. What is the proper attitude of those who believe in Christ towards this event? We are invited by the Word of God to play an active role in the world during our earthly pilgrimage, because even in the work of the new creation we are treated by God as human beings, that is: as the only creatures who, in everything, are invited to co-operate freely and willingly with him and his plan.

• First of all, we are invited to be filled with hope. Our faith tells us that Jesus has already begun the new creation. God the Father was and is standing by Jesus and, therefore, we are sure that Jesus is going to accomplish what he has already started: he is going to establish the Kingdom of love, to gather mankind into one family, he is going to destroy all barriers still standing among peoples and individuals. Jesus is going to create a new world based on justice, peace and love.

• Secondly, St Paul urges us to abound in love for one another and for all, and to grow in holiness while waiting for the glorious appearance of our Lord Jesus, because this is for us the only way we, led and strengthened by the Spirit of Jesus, can contribute to the creation of the new world. Every victory over selfishness and pride, every act of care for others, every contribution towards peace, justice and unity by Christians and also by all men of good will is a contribution to the salvation of the world. This is also the meaning of growing in holiness daily. It means putting all our energy and resources to a good use, for the betterment of the world and of human relationships.

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